Finance & Banking Jobs in Africa

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Reference No. SRBLR-JUR-Niger

CA Global Headhunters a été mandaté par le Fonds de Solidarité Africain basé à Niamey, Niger, pour recruter pour ce poste.  Pour plus d'informations sur le Fonds de solidarité africain, veuillez visiter leur site Web à l’adresse suivante :  Si vous répondez aux critères et souhaitez postuler pour le poste, veuillez prendre contact directement auprès de l’équipe de CA Global Headhunters.
Numéro de référence: SRBLR-JUR-Niger


Les missions: 


Sous la supervision du Directeur des Affaires Juridiques et des Risques, le Juriste (homme ou femme) a pour missions principales :

  • Conseils, avis, consultations et veille juridiques ;
  • Elaboration de divers documents et actes ;
  • Gestion et suivi du contentieux ;
  • Recouvrement des créances contentieuses.


Responsabilités et Tâches: 


A ce titre, il veillera à :

  • Donner des avis juridiques et élaborer divers actes juridiques dont les conventions de garantie, de refinancement, de bonification et de gestion de fonds pour compte de tiers ;
  • Gérer le contentieux en lien avec les Avocats du Fonds, y compris le recouvrement des créances contentieuses ;
  • Suivre rigoureusement les relations avec les services juridiques et du contentieux des partenaires financiers ainsi que les auxiliaires de justice du Fonds (Notaires, Avocats et autres) ;
  • Faire la veille juridique et mettre en place différents tableaux de bord, outils et procédures ;
  • Contribuer à la structuration des opérations soumises aux interventions du Fonds, de sorte à bien circonscrire tous risques juridiques ;
  • Notifier les accords d’intervention du Fonds et mener les diligences pour la formalisation des conventions ;
  • Suivre la mise en œuvre des conventions en vue d’assurer une meilleure exécution des clauses contractuelles ;
  • Traiter les appels de garantie et suivre le portefeuille d’engagements contentieux ;
  • S’assurer de la conformité des actes contractuels aux textes de base du FSA et aux dispositions légales en vigueur ;
  • S’assurer de la qualité et de l’adéquation des sûretés et mécanismes de remboursement à mettre en place en contrepartie des engagements du Fonds ;
  • Contribuer à l’élaboration et à la revue des textes de base de l’Institution (Accord de Siège, Statuts du Fonds, Règlement Intérieur, etc.), ainsi que des Statuts du Personnel et autres textes afférents audit Personnel ;
  • Contribuer aux processus de ratification ;
  • Exécuter toutes autres tâches confiées par la hiérarchie.


Qualifications requises et domaines de compétence


Le/la candidat(e) doit disposer d’un diplôme BAC+5 au minimum en Droit Privé, Droit des Affaires et avoir suivi une formation professionnelle d’avocat ou de magistrat. Il/elle doit avoir une expérience professionnelle significative en tant qu’Avocat d’Affaires ou Juge Commercial. Avoir obtenu un diplôme dans un système du Common Law sera un grand atout.


Aptitudes requises pour le poste:

Le/la candidat(e) recherché(e) doit:

  • Être un(e) ressortissant(e) de l’un des 16 États Membres du Fonds de Solidarité Africain (Bénin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Centrafrique, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Guinée Bissau, Guinée Conakry, Ile Maurice, Mauritanie, Mali, Niger, Rwanda, Sénégal, Tchad et Togo)
  • Avoir au minimum 7 ans d’expérience solide et probante dans le monde judiciaire ou dans un Cabinet d’avocats d’affaires réputé, avec un fort accent sur le droit économique, financier et commercial ;
  • Avoir une connaissance approfondie du Common Law ;
  • Avoir une familiarité avec le système de Droit Civil et avoir une expérience professionnelle significative dans les deux familles juridiques (Droit civil et Common Law) ;
  • Disposer des compétences exceptionnelles en matière de rédaction et de négociation, et être capable de rédiger des documents juridiques complexes en Français et en Anglais, sans supervision ;
  • Maîtriser la réglementation bancaire ;
  • Avoir des normes éthiques élevées, un sens aigu des responsabilités et un engagement à obtenir des résultats ; 
  • Disposer des aptitudes à travailler en équipe et dans un environnement multiculturel ;
  • Être capable d’hiérarchiser les tâches et de respecter des délais serrés ;
  • Avoir la capacité d’identifier rapidement et d’exposer clairement des questions juridiques complexes et de fournir des conseils juridiques succincts, pratiques et précis ;
  • Être doté(e) d’une aisance relationnelle et communicationnelle ;
  • Avoir une parfaite maîtrise des outils informatiques tels que Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access ;
  • Être parfaitement bilingue (Anglais et Français) à l’écrit et à l’oral, la maîtrise de toute autre langue de travail de l’Union Africaine étant un atout ;


Informations contractuelles:

  • Contrat à durée indéterminée ;Ouvert à une relocalisation au Niger ;
  • Les candidats dûment qualifiés sont encouragés à postuler.


Si vous souhaitez postuler cette position, veuillez envoyer votre curriculum vitae à Shearidan Rabsch à l’adresse suivante :, avant le 31/12/2022


Veuillez consulter notre site web pour plus d'opportunités


Shearidan Rabsch

Managing Consultant

Banking & Finance


CA Global ne répondra qu'aux candidats présélectionnés.  Si vous n'avez pas reçu de réponse dans les deux semaines, veuillez considérer que votre candidature n'a pas été retenue, mais votre curriculum vitae sera conservé dans notre base de données pour tout autre future opportunité.

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Job Features

Job Category308989

Job Reference: SRBLR-JUR-Niger

Reference No. SRBLR-JUR-Niger

CA Global Headhunters has been mandated by the African Solidarity Fund based in Niamey, Niger to recruit for the above mentioned position. For more information on the African Solidarity Fund please visit their website Should you meet the minimum requirements and wish to apply for the position, please apply directly to CA Global Headhunters.
Reference Number: SRBLR-JUR-Niger


Nature & Scope: 


Under the supervision of the Director of Legal Affairs and Risks, the Legal Officer has the following main missions:


  • Provide legal advice, suggestions, engage in consultations and monitoring.
  • Preparation of various documents and deeds.
  • Management and monitoring of litigation.
  • Recovery of disputed debts.


Responsibilities and Tasks: 


  • Provide legal advice and draft various legal acts including guarantee, refinancing, interest rate subsidy, and fund management agreements on behalf of third parties.
  • Manage litigation in conjunction with the Fund's Lawyers, including the recovery of disputed debts.
  • Rigorously monitor relations with the legal and litigation departments of the financial partners as well as the Fund's legal assistants (Notaries, Lawyers, and all other enforcement agents).
  • Carry out legal monitoring and set up various dashboards, tools, and procedures.
  • Contribute to the structuring of operations subjected to interventions by the Fund in orderto properly circumscribe all legal risks.
  • Notify the Fund's intervention and carry out due diligence for the formalization of agreements.
  • Monitor the implementation of agreements to ensure better execution of contractual clauses.
  • Process execution of guarantees and monitor the portfolio of litigious engagements.
  • Ensure the compliance of contractual acts with the basic texts of the FSA and the legal provisions in force.
  • Ensure the quality and adequacy of the securities and reimbursement mechanisms to be put in place in return for the Fund's commitments.
  • Contribute to the development and review of the basic texts of the Institution (Headquarters Agreement, Statutes of the Fund, Procedures, etc.), as well as Staff Regulations and other texts;
  • Contribute to ratification processes;
  • Execute all other tasks entrusted by the hierarchy.


Required Qualifications and Areas of Competence:

The candidate must have at least a Master’s degree in Private Law, Business Law and have followed professional training as a lawyer or magistrate. He/she must have significant professional experience as a Business Lawyer or Commercial Judge. Adegree in a Common Law system will be anasset.


Skills required for the position:


The desired candidate must:

  • Be a national of one of the Member States of the African Solidarity Fund : Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Gabon, Guinea Bissau, Guinea Conakry, Mali, Mauritius, Mauritania, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal or Togo
  • Have at least 7 years of proven experience in the legal world or in a reputable business law firm, with a strong emphasis on economic, financial and commercial law;
  • Have a thorough knowledge of Common Law;
  • Be familiar with the Civil Law system and have significant professional experience in both legal aspects(Civil Law and Common Law);
  • Have exceptional drafting and negotiation skills, and be able to draft complex legal documents in French and English, without supervision;
  • Master banking regulations;
  • Have high ethical standards, a strong sense of responsibility and a commitment to achieve results;
  • Have the ability to work in a team and in a multicultural environment;
  • Ability to prioritize tasks and meet tight deadlines;
  • Ability to quickly identify and clearly articulate complex legal issues and provide succinct, practical and accurate legal advice;
  • Be endowed with interpersonal and communication skills;
  • Have a perfect command of computer tools such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access;
  • Be perfectly bilingual (English and French) both written and spoken, proficiency in any other working language of the African Union being an asset;


Contractual information:

  • Permanent position
  • Willing and able to relocate to Niamey, Niger
  • Suitably qualified candidates are encouraged to apply


If you wish to apply for the position, please send your CV to Shearidan Rabsch at before 31/12/2022


Please visit for more exciting opportunities.


Shearidan Rabsch

Managing Consultant

Banking & Finance


CA Global will respond to short-listed candidates only. If you have not had any response in two weeks, please consider your application unsuccessful however your CV will be kept on our database for any other suitable positions.

Apply now

Job Features

Job Category308989

Job Reference: SRBLR-JUR-Niger

Reference No. CDTSSL

Sustainability Specialist  (Supply Chain / Quality Assurance  / Clothing / Manufacturing) – Nairobi, Kenya


Reference Number: CDTSSL


Job Description:

An International clothing manufacturing client of ours is looking for a Sustainability Specialist who will be responsible for supporting and advising the business to ensure that all supply chain operations vendors lead in social and environmental sustainability. They will Implement all activities aimed at assuring cutsewfinishlaundary fabric millssundries suppliers meet TOE and legal requirements. They will also Operationalize Sustainability in Value Chain- upstream, instream and downstream, and Manage all works on Sustainability so as to support North East Asia growth as a source base and key market. They will need to positively influence and educate vendor partners, other stakeholders and employees, on environmental and social issues.


Job Purpose:

  • Person to provide business support and advice on Terms of Engagement, legal compliance as well as verify that all the company’s approved garment and fabric manufacturers are in compliance with legal requirements.
  • Build and manage the companies relationships with Sustainability related external stakeholders, including NGOs, third-party providers, government, and other brands.
  • Monitor changes in local social, Health & Safety and environmental sustainability laws and regulations and works with his/her Manager to ensure the companies policies and standards evolve to meet local requirements.
  • Manage potential alerts driven mainly by external request or out of the companies monitoring programs.
  • Ensure timely and successful Implementation of the Sustainability Programs- Sustainability Vendor Model, Worker Well- Being, Supply Chain Scope Expansion, Chemical Management, Water Strategy, SAC- HIGG Index Self-Assessment, any other as developed by Global.
  • Ensures that supply chain vendors are consistently capturing and reporting social Health & Safety and environmental sustainability data to the companies data systems.
  • Reporting to the different internal and external stakeholders to assure legal and TOE compliance, as well Key Performance Indicator’s assuring accuracy and according to the deadlines requested.
  • Overviews and manage to external consultants, external monitors North East Asia for Environmental, Health&Safety knowledge and capacity building.  
  • Support partnership with ILO Better Work for Cambodia and Vietnam.




Ensure supply chain operations and vendors meet the companies social and environmental, health and safety standards and policies (approximately 70%)


  • Works with suppliers, GSC partners – PD&S, third party service providers, other brands, government, and civil society to understand & improve the overall sustainability status of supply chain. 
  • Collaborates with suppliers, GSC and other stakeholders to analyze supplier performance, identifying areas for improvement.
  • Works with suppliers, GSC and other stakeholders to enhance supplier management systems, management and worker training and capacity building projects (e.g. BSR, ILO, IFC projects) to ensure continuous improvement on the companies social and environmental standards.
  • Works with suppliers to ensure timely, accurate reporting on the companies Sustainability data requirements.
  • Investigate any allegations against the reputation of the company in terms of sustainability related activities & provide recommendation to resolve the issues in a sustainable manner.
  • Support in developing & rolling out sustainability related programs
  • Follow up, manage, report on sustainability related programs independently
  • Provides advice, guidance, and education to GSC functions on social and environmental sustainability standards, procedures, and program initiatives.


Manage external information and relationships (approximately 30%)*


  • Monitor relevant changes in social and environmental sustainability laws and regulations.
  • Work with Director Asia and regional project managers to ensure that the companies policies and standards are relevant to local laws and practice.
  • Build and manage the companies relationships with Sustainability related external stakeholders, including NGOs, third-party providers, government, and other brands.
  • Lead response to Sustainability Alerts with advice of Director Sustainability Asia and Sub Sahara 


Key relationships/Peers:


  • External: Code of Conduct and Environmental Managers for other Global Brands, NGOs, Trade Unions, External Service Providers on Terms of Engagement, ILO, BSR.
  • Internal: Regional Managers, SSM, Legal, Community Affairs Managers, Foundation regional manager  and  fabric sourcing manager, Quality assurance, Finishing Engineer and Corporate Communication .



Requirements: Qualification and Skill

  • Master’s degree in Business Management Social Work with specialization in Labor Laws & Industrial relationshipsEnvironment Health & Safety. 
  • 5 years’ experience in the same or related field with other brandsretails reputed buying houseNGO or third party service provider.
  • Experience of performing Social and Environmental Health & Safety assessments independently, Knowledge of textile industry, local laws & other legislations.
  • Good communication skills – Writing and speaking  – English and local language, Good computer knowledge, Good  inter personal relationships, Good analytical skills 


Primarily works from home.  Position will require domestic and international (geo scope) travel to suppliers and global programs (approximately 25% of time)


Job requires the following physical activities: travel to geographical countries, computer use.


If you wish to apply for the position, please send your CV to Chalden Du Toit at


Please visit for more exciting opportunities.


Chalden Du Toit

Recruitment Specialist 

CA Global Finance


CA Global will respond to short-listed candidates only. If you have not had any response in two weeks, please consider your application unsuccessful however your CV will be kept on our database for any other suitable positions.

Apply now

Job Features

Job Category309010

Job Reference: CDTSSL

Reference No. SRBLR-HPM-003

Job Description:

Our banking client is currently recruiting a Head of Portfolio Management to be based in Khartoum, Sudan, reporting to the Director of Investment Department.  The incumbent will Lead, direct, and coordinate the activities of the portfolio management division.   Responsible for the supervision of the banks externally managed investment portfolios in accordance with relevant guidelines, investment policies, criteria and processes as outlined in the investment procedures and evaluation of their performance against risk/ return objectives and criteria.



  • Implement and develop investment policies and strategies for the Portfolio Management Division to enhance returns and reduce risks
  • Formulate, develop, and implement the portfolio management division’s strategy and business planning process in accordance with the bank’s general strategy.
  • Develop and implement short- and medium-term operational plans and budgets, including key performance indicators
  • Provide the necessary data for the draft annual budget and the draft five-year plan.
  • Supervise the implementation of best practices regarding investment procedures identifying areas for improvement, and submitting recommendations to the Investment Director
  • Recommend the development of investment-related strategies and procedures necessary for achieving optimal investment performance, including recommendations for change in asset allocation and rebalancing
  • Supervise the division’s activities, activating its resources, and managing its priorities
  • Ensure implementation of the bank’s investment decisions
  • Follow up on the process of monitoring and evaluating external investment managers, custodians and creditors and recommend changes when necessary
  • Ensure and follow up on external investment managers and securities lending custodian’s adherence to the banks investment directives.
  • Ensure compliance with investment policies and procedures approved by the Board of Directors
  • Periodic review of the strategic asset allocation, outlining of investment policy, and provision of recommendations to management
  • Supervise the preparation of requests for proposals sent to investment managers, securities, and lending custodians in accordance with approved policies and procedures, and submit evaluation results to the Director, Investment
  • Supervise the conducting of due diligence for new investment managers securities, lending custodians in accordance with the approved policies and procedures
  • Supervise the coordination with the treasury division to periodically follow up on the status of externally managed liquid portfolios
  • Supervise the coordination with the Financial Affairs Department (investment accounting) on issues related to investments and calculating management and custody fees
  • Establish, maintain, and improve relationships with investment managers, custodians, securities lenders and advisors through correspondence, meetings and discussions to ensure adequate relationships are in place
  • Organizing periodic meetings with current investment managers, custodians, securities lenders, and advisors to discuss issues related to the bank’s investments and opportunities
  • Follow up on preparing and submitting periodic reports to management, the investment committee, and the Board of Directors
  • Oversee the process of evaluating portfolio performance against risk/return
  • Prepare studies as required by management
  • Participation in forums and conferences related to investments
  • Coordinate with the advisor on all or some of the investment-related activities and issues whenever necessary
  • Lead the portfolio division team to ensure that they receive appropriate technical support and direction
  • Provide clear direction, prioritize tasks, assign and delegate responsibilities, and monitor workflow
  • Plan, manage and review individual performance, provide feedback periodically, develop and train regularly, and take immediate action when necessary


General Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Compliance with the bank’s regulations and rules in all aspects of work
  • Continuously ensure the quality of work for all activities related to the department
  • Completion of other related work assigned by the direct supervisor


Requirements: Qualification and Skill

  • University degree in financial management, business administration, statistics, or its equivalent
  • Masters or equivalent preferred
  • A professional certificate in the investment field is preferred, for example (CFA or its equivalent)
  • At least 8 years of similar experience in asset management companies or international financial institutions and investment banks, preferably at least 3 years of which in a leadership position in similar international institutions
  • Fluency in Arabic in addition to English and (or) French, and knowledge of both is preferred


Technical Skills:

  • Proficiency in the use of computers and software related to investment and statistics, including for example, the Bloomberg information Platform
  •  High capabilities with methods of research, analysis, evaluation and reading of statistical models in the field of investment management, portfolios, trading and the performance of portfolio managers across fixed income, stocks, hedge funds and risk management
  • Full knowledge of investment concepts, terminology, models, investment strategies and treasury activities
  • The ability to analyze and evaluate the risks and performance of investment managers
  • Extensive knowledge of investment concepts, methods, and statistical models
  • High skills in managing investments and investment portfolios, knowledge of financial markets and preparing studies
  • Financial and economic analysis, knowledge of financial markets, the investment environment, and mechanisms for dealing with them
  • Analytical skills and high abilities in the use of computers and software related to investment statistics and management tasks


If you wish to apply for the position, please send your CV to Shearidan Rabsch at


Please visit for more exciting opportunities.


Shearidan Rabsch

Managing Consultant

CA Finance


CA Global will respond to short-listed candidates only. If you have not had any response in two weeks, please consider your application unsuccessful however your CV will be kept on our database for any other suitable positions.

Apply now

Job Features

Job Category308989

Job Reference: SRBLR-HPM-003

Reference No. CDTBE1

Reference Number: CDTBE1


Job Description:

Our leading banking client is currently recruiting an Economist/Partnership Expert for the East & Southern Africa region.

The incumbent will be responsible for consolidating the company’s partnership with countries, international financial organizations, and institutions through financing projects in the public sector and technical assistance operations.


Technical Responsibilities:

  • Establishing contacts with beneficiary countries in the West and Central African region whose affairs they have been assigned to pursue by the Head of the Unit
  • Evaluating the economic situation and the needs of recipient countries for resources and technical support operations with appropriate terms and conditions for projects and operations, to be submitted to the company’s management
  • Preparing special studies on the promising economic sectors and/or those which the company is interested to consider and cover in its future plans
  • Coordinating with the head of the unit with regard to the studies and reports that he is required to prepare, especially those related to the preparation of a record of the projects under consideration, the annual lending program, and the annual program of technical assistance operations that materialize into annual programs for cooperation with states
  • Conducting the required financial analysis and feasibility assessment of the projects and operations assigned to him/her and preparing reports to assess the general and sectoral economic conditions, reports of the payment status of the beneficiary countries, and reports covering the activities of financing and development institutions operating in these countries
  • Preparing and updating memoranda of cooperation with African countries, following up on them and constantly updating their data
  • Follow up on the economic indicators issued by the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the African Bank and other Arab financial institutions related to the countries that he/she is responsible for following up
  • Participation in evaluation missions for projects financed by the company
  • Supervising the review of feasibility studies financed by the company
  • Review requests for loan disbursement and technical assistance
  • Arrange to receive delegations and make the necessary preparations in coordination with the Public Relations Division and work on preparing minutes of meetings, and any other organizational matters in order to make these visits a success
  • Participate in the organization of events and seminars concerned with Arab and African development affairs and work to encourage the participation of Arab investors in them in order to familiarize them with the available opportunities and to provide them with the necessary studies.
  • Introducing Arab products within the context of encouraging Arab-African trade exchange
  • Assist in developing new operations through missions, examining and evaluating requests from countries and regional organizations for financing and technical support operations from the company.
  • Reviewing requests for financing, collecting all information and data related to them, and submitting observations regarding them to the head of the unit.
  • Participating in the analysis, evaluation and follow-up of operations
  • Participating in preparing project approval reports and technical assistance operations
  • Participating in the organization of seminars and courses organized by the company, and working to encourage the participation of investors in such occasions and presenting to them the available investment opportunities, studies and information on these opportunities.
  • Providing the competent authorities within the company constantly with information concerning the beneficiary countries with regard to the various sectors, development institutions and public bodies
  • Searching for new areas for the company’s projects and operations in support of African countries that are alligned  with the company’s goals and strategies



  • Continuously ensuring the quality of work for all activities related to his/her tasks
  • Complying with the laws, regulations and instructions in force, and adhere to the rules and methods of work approved by the company
  • Perform other related tasks assigned to them by their direct superior




  • University degree in Economics or equivalent
  • Professional certificate s in the field of project management, evaluation, economic feasibility or equivalent is preferred
  • A similar experience of not less than 5 years, preferably at least two years in similar international institutions
  • Fluency in the Arabic and English is a must, fluency in French is a plus.



Technical skills

  • Proficiency in the use of computer and software related to management of financing projects and functions.
  • High capacity in the preparation and follow-up of reports, performance indicators and data analysis.
  • Formulate and set goals with the ability to manage time and performance.
  • Knowledge of laws, regulations and legislation relating to job functions.
  • Ability to successfully change and disseminate leading practices.
  • Familiarity with the financial and economic analysis of projects.


Personal and behavioral skills

  • Maintain integrity and professional confidentiality and comply with rules and regulations.
  • Ability to work and lead in a multicultural environment.
  • Working under pressure with minimal supervision and attention to detail.
  • Having a sense of responsibility and initiative.
  • Ability to organize, coordinate, follow up and work in a team spirit.
  • Communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Creative thinking and keeping pace with latest advances/trends.
  • Self-motivation, initiative and professionalism in performance with continuous learning and development.
  • Personal strength and tact.



If you wish to apply for the position, please send your CV to Chalden Du Toit at


Please visit for more exciting opportunities.


Chalden Du Toit

Recruitment Consultant

CA Finance


CA Global will respond to short-listed candidates only. If you have not had any response in two weeks, please consider your application unsuccessful however your CV will be kept on our database for any other suitable positions.

Apply now

Job Features

Job Category308989

Job Reference: CDTBE1

Reference No. SHRBLR04

CA Global Headhunters has been retained by the Afreximbank based in Cairo, Egypt to recruit for this position. For more information on the Afreximbank please visit their website  Should you meet the minimum requirements and wish to apply for the position please apply directly to CA Global Headhunters.

Reference Number: SHRBLR04




  • Supporting the coordination of the Bank’s internal and external legal capacities in the performance of its legal function and working with internal legal staff and external parties as approved by Management;
  • Preparation of a variety of legal documentation including transaction documentation designed to protect the interests of the Bank as lender, borrower, co-lender, service user or provider and in a wide range of other capacities;
  • Negotiation of legal documents with the Bank’s legal counter-parties and under the guidance of Management;
  • Providing legal advice to management and staff in all areas of the Bank’s activities and proffering solutions to legal problems, constraints, risks, options, consequences and approaches;
  • Review legal documentation prepared for the Bank or arising from the work of the Bank;
  • Representing the Bank internally and externally in negotiation, disputes, consultations and other proceedings that require legal representation;
  • Participation in legal aspects of the Bank’s business and lending as well as borrowing operations including loan administration and various committees as management may specify; and
  • Any other duties as assigned by senior management.


Requirements: Qualification and Skill

  • A good first degree in English Common Law and either a relevant post-graduate degree from a recognised University or a Diploma in Legal practice from a recognised school in lieu;
  • Professional legal practice and experience of not less than 8 years, with emphasis on the banking and finance industry is required, backed with demonstrated experience in any of the following areas; structured trade and corporate finance; project and asset-based finance; guarantees and specialised finance; financial institutions lending; sovereign lending;
  • This is a Transactional Banking role with a focus on the lending activities of the Bank. Strong banking and finance law fundamentals are essential;
  • Ability to communicate and function in a culturally diverse and change oriented setting with good knowledge of banking practices in Africa and specifically OHADA;
  • Ability to interact with senior officials of banks, corporates and governments and to present legal advice on various management issues to the Bank's senior management and the Board;
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills in French and English. Knowledge of the Bank's other working languages is an added advantage (Arabic and Portuguese);
  • Strong skills in drafting a variety of legal documents and communicating complex issues clearly and concisely;
  • Ability to speedily grasp the essence, content and implications of the Bank’s constitutive documents to be able to provide advice on them;
  • Ability to review under strict deadlines long and complex transactions and other legal documents;
  • Negotiating skills and capacity to work with other professionals including non-legal professionals to develop innovative solutions to conflicting interests and positions; and
  • Demonstrated leadership capabilities, including ability to organize and manage human resources to attain goals; and
  • High levels of emotional intelligence and emotional resilience to be a good team player in a diverse legal team is a requirement;


Benefits and Contractual information:

  • Permanent.
  • Willing and able to relocate to Cairo, Egypt, or any other member country of Afreximbank.
  • Suitably qualified candidates are encouraged to apply.


If you wish to apply for the position, please send your CV to Shearidan Rabsch at


Please visit for more exciting opportunities.


Shearidan Rabsch

Managing Consultant

Banking & Finance


CA Global will respond to short-listed candidates only. If you have not had any response in two weeks, please consider your application unsuccessful however your CV will be kept on our database for any other suitable positions.

Apply now

Job Features

Job Category308989

Job Reference: SHRBLR04

Northern Africa
Posted 2 years ago
Reference No. AAL0045

Director Communications (Private Equity) – Casablanca, Morocco


Reference Number: AAL0041


Job Description:

To Lead and manage the groups communication strategy in support of its mission to African economic growth and development through investments in infrastructure. This is a critical role whose focus is to lead the strategic direction of communications including public relations digital strategy, stakeholder management, marketing and internal and external communications ensuring that all are aligned with the group’s overall strategy and mandate.



  • Formulate and implement the Group communications strategy to support the delivery of its corporate objectives by delivering impactful communications campaigns
  • Lead strategic communications for the Group, including portfolio companies/ projects, where required
  • Develop and shape the Groups’ brand and visual identity and manage and enhance our brand equity with guidance from the COO and CEO
  • Lead and manage a team of professionals in the execution of the communications strategy and action plans
  • Execute strategic communications projects ( development, special communications initiatives)
  • Negotiate requisite agreements with service providers and monitor the delivery of services and products accordingly
  • Develop and manage the communications budget, allocating resources


Requirements: Qualification and Skill

  • A strong track record of relevant and progressive experience (including being in a managerial position) in senior communications fields (corporate, non-profit and/or foundation) including public relations, journalism, marketing or related area
  • Strong network of media outlets and ability to work well with representatives from its different sectors across Africa and international markets that are key to the Group activities
  • Highly developed analytical and problem-solving skills, including the ability to implement and monitor mass communication programs and campaigns
  • Media relations training and experience, with the ability to detect and monitor emerging media interest in a matter and manage issues of media interest that affect the Groups and its diverse audiences
  • Exceptional writing, editing, verbal and interpersonal communications skills, with a portfolio demonstrating published works and high-level creative, thoughtful and polished multi-media communications collateral (print, audio, video, digital)
  • Exceptional stakeholder relationship management skills, with the ability to handle critical and sensitive situations
  • Minimum of a bachelor’s degree or equivalent.



Benefits and Contractual information:

  • Interest in the Group’s mission, strategy and values
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Strong intellectual and analytical abilities
  • Diligent and process oriented
  • Team player with strong interpersonal skills
  • Self-motivated
  • Ability to lead, manage, mentor and develop staff
  • Able to build and maintain strong relationships at all levels
  • Culturally sensitive and able to relate to people of diverse backgrounds
  • Genuine commitment to sustainable development
  • Willingness to travel extensively
  • Internationally Competitive to attract the best
  • Tax Free


If you wish to apply for the position please follow the application link.

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Name & Surname Angus Lewis

Position Principal Consultant

Division Name Finance


CA Global will respond to short-listed candidates only. If you have not had any response in two weeks, please consider your application unsuccessful however your CV will be kept on our database for any other suitable positions.



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Job Features

Job Category308980

Job Reference: AAL0045

Reference No. Reference Number: CDTALDOS1

Reference Number: CDTALDOS1


Job Description:

This role is primarily focused on providing leadership in relation to K-12 curriculum and encompasses responsibility for the academic care of all students, assisting the General Manager with leadership and management of all aspects of learning and teaching. It is the role of the Director of Studies to guide best practice in the delivery of high-quality teaching and learning programs.

The Director of Studies is a member of the school’s management team and chairs the heads of studies per school cycle.

The Director of Studies is a member of the school’s teaching community and as such, will participate in the regular life of the school.



The Director of Studies will work collaboratively with the General Manager regarding specific directions in pedagogy and curriculum in line with the overall vision for teaching & learning at the school. He/she will contribute to data-informed decision making for continuous improvement in the school’s academic outcomes.

The Director of Studies provides key administrative leadership in areas affecting the academic program of the school and has responsibility for the smooth running of the academic program in the following areas:


  • Academic Organization
  • Academic Guidance
  • Academic Compliance

Academic Organization

  • The development and oversight of the school timetable
  • Approving staff professional development applications
  • Supporting teacher accreditation processes for teachers, in liaison with the school Cambridge accreditation
  • Overseeing each department’s staffing allocations and timetable
  • Overseeing Academic Reporting processes
  • Overseeing organization of all examination and testing periods
  • Overseeing processes for recording assessment data
  • Calendar management in relation to external providers
  • Calendar management in relation to curriculum-based excursions
  • Attendance at and contribution to calendar meetings
  • Administration related to the curriculum, such as textbooks, practicum placements and examination timetables

Academic Guidance

  • Overseeing processes for, liaison with and provision of advice to students, teachers and parents on subject selection and subject and class changes
  • Working collaboratively with the General Manager in ensuring the delivery of quality teaching and learning programs, including programs of acceleration, extension, support and remediation, including differentiation at all levels, through liaison with heads of department
  • Liaison with the Careers Advisor on student career education programs
  • Provision of study skills advice to students and the development of student study skills program
  • Mentoring Heads of Department in areas of curriculum development and leadership attributes
  • Complaints management relating to academic matters: student complaints, teacher complaints, parent complaints
  • Monitoring student academic progress
  • Oversight of the selection of the recipients of annual academic awards

Academic Compliance

  • Compliance with the requirements of Cambridge International in relation to curriculum
  • Processes relating to Cambridge registration, including the maintenance of work samples, teaching programs, registers and assessments
  • Contribution to annual reporting requirements as related to curriculum and staff
  • professional learning



Within the context of the role described above, the ideal applicant will be someone who has:

  • Demonstrated the capacity to provide leadership in learning for the achievement of quality learning outcomes for all students
  • Demonstrated strong interpersonal and communication skills and the capacity to develop and sustain productive relationships within and beyond the school community
  • Capacity to use strategic thinking and analytical skills to contribute to educational outcomes of all students
  • Demonstrated support for and the capacity to develop and maintain an organizational culture based on ethical professional and personal behaviors and values
  • Demonstrated knowledge and interest in curriculum across all subject areas
  • Love of teaching and working with children
  • Ability to engage and inspire colleagues
  • Ability to work collaboratively with other teachers
  • Strong Information and Communication Technology skills
  • Ability to contribute to the life of the School
  • Support of the ethos of the School


If you wish to apply for the position, please send your CV to Chalden Du Toit at


Please visit for more exciting opportunities.

Chalden Du Toit

Recruitment Consultant

CA Finance


CA Global will respond to short-listed candidates only. If you have not had any response in two weeks, please consider your application unsuccessful however your CV will be kept on our database for

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Job Features

Job Category308989

Job Reference: Reference Number: CDTALDOS1

Reference No. CDTLKMRE1

Reference Number: CDTLKMRE1


Job Description:

Our banking client is currently recruiting a Market Risk Expert, to be based in Khartoum, Sudan. The incumbent is to provide independent risk oversight over treasury/investments activities including management and reporting of treasury risks associated with borrowings from the capital markets, investment activities, and overall assets and liabilities management. The expert will also provide analytical support, advice and opinions to enable the company to make informed and profitable investment and borrowing decisions with a view to preserve capital, optimize profitability and maintain a strong credit rating.



Under the supervision and guidance of the Director, Risk Management & Compliance Department, the Market Risk (Treasury) Expert will have the following responsibilities:

  • Ongoing compliance monitoring and risk reporting of treasury/investments activities, market and counterparty credit risk exposures, and the provision of related treasury risk expertise in support of the overall risk management activities of the company.
  • Collect complex market information and process/simplify it ready for decision-making.
  • Review and assignment of counterpart exposure limits in accordance with the company’s prudential policies, as well as maintaining and updating the approved lists of counterparties and limits for depository banks, brokers, futures counterparties, etc.
  • Review of proposed investment/divestment/reallocation and other decisions/proposals from the Investments department prior to their submission to the Investment Committee.
  • Preparation of periodic risk reports to the Assets and Liability Management Committee (ALCO), and Audit/Risk Committee covering the investments portfolio.
  • Provide necessary input on treasury activities and risks to internal and external auditors as appropriate.
  • Review of Investment Manager’s periodic reports and advising on their overall performance in managing the company’s assets and complying with applicable limits and constraints.
  • Analyse and advise on complex or recurrent issues arising from the bank’s investments and liquidity portfolios such as the costs and valuation of derivative contracts, calculation and analysis of Potential Future exposure (PFE), etc.
  • Keep abreast of developments on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and their impacts on reporting in financial statements, especially in relation to complex financial instruments;
  • Verification and ongoing monitoring of the matching between the financial terms of the bank’s assets and liabilities to maintain market risk within the bank’s risk appetite statement.
  • Working with financial data providers to collect and analyse all market data necessary for portfolios valuation, counterparties credit profile assessments, and other treasury data needs.
  • Maintain approved lists of ISDA, ISMA, depository banks, brokers and futures counterparties.
  • Review and maintain up-to-date Treasury Risk Management operational procedures, propose new controls and optimized processes to reduce operational risk;
  • Participate to the negotiation and review of clauses in ISDA/CSA and GMRA agreements to ensure an adequate legal framework for treasury operations;
  • Contribute to the implementation of treasury risk measures or activity dashboards needed to be in line with industry standards, best practices, audit and rating agencies requirements.
  • Perform other duties as assigned by immediate supervisor


  • Hold at least a Master's degree or its equivalent in Business Administration, Finance, Banking.
  • Professional certification in Risk and/or Finance such as Financial Risk Manager (FRM), Professional Risk Manager (PRM), Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) or Certificate in Quantitative Finance (CQF) will be an advantage.
  • Have a minimum of six (6) years of relevant professional experience in International Financial Institutions or Investment Banks, with a large scope of treasury or fixed income activities. Working experience in Fixed Income and Derivatives front-office, middle-office or risk management departments will be an advantage.
  • Communication; Client orientation; Team working and relationships; Operational effectiveness.
  • Solid quantitative background, extensive analytical skills and ability to efficiently solve problems independently and proactively
  • Ability to cope under pressure with strong planning and organization skills.
  • Demonstrated knowledge and experience of financial and/or risk reporting.
  • Ability to work autonomously as well as part of a multicultural team.
  • Well-organized with a proven ability to solve problems independently with a strong sense of personal ownership and a focus on timelines and delivering results
  • Experience in using Bloomberg, Reuters, as well as a knowledge programming or database languages like Excel VBA, SQL, R, Python or C++ would be an advantage.
  • Ability to communicate effectively (written and oral) in English (required), Arabic (strong advantage), and French (desired).

If you wish to apply for the position, please send your CV to Chalden Du Toit at

Please visit for more exciting opportunities.

Chalden Du Toit

Recruitment Consultant

CA Finance


CA Global will respond to short-listed candidates only. If you have not had any response in two weeks, please consider your application unsuccessful however your CV will be kept on our database for any other suitable positions.

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Job Features

Job Category308989

Job Reference: CDTLKMRE1

Reference No. AAL0040

Job Description:

A widely renowned investment firm is seeking an Accounting Coordinator to support the growth of the finance department in terms of general and analytical accounting, audit, financial administration, integration of new entities.



Under the supervision of the Financial Controller

  • Ensure overall quality of bookkeeping, financial statements, management accounts and other financial reports are up to required standards at all times.
  • Assist in the preparation and closing of the periodic financial reporting on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis.
  • Assist in the preparation of financial statements of investment companies.
  • Participate to the interaction with internal and external auditors.
  • Help enhance the quality of the financial reporting taking into account the feedback from the auditors, the Management and the Board.
  • Assist the Finance Controller in any accounting, financial, administrative, or organizational issue when required.
  • Assist in portfolio monitoring and reporting activities in collaboration with the Portfolio performance Manager.
  • Take initiatives for proper, timely action in all matters.
  • Ensure constant care in all matters.
  • Endeavour to submit proposals for improvements and cost savings in all aspects within the fields of responsibility.


Requirements: Qualifications and Skill

  • 8+ years in a renowned international audit firm, investment firm or financial services company.
  • Demonstrated academic excellence. 
  • University degree from a Tier 1 institution
  • Advanced knowledge of MS Office Word and Excel.
  • Strong relationship to Africa - whether it be origin or a demonstrated long-term interest/commitment.  Existing relationships in Africa are a plus.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and French.
  • Culturally sensitive, able to relate to people of diverse backgrounds.


Contractual Information:

  • Permanent Position


If you wish to apply for the position directly, please send your CV to Fabio Da Silva Faria at


Please visit for more exciting opportunities.


Fabio Da Silva Faria

Recruitment Consultant

Banking, Finance & Information Technology


CA Global Finance will respond to short-listed candidates only. If you have not had any response in two weeks, please consider your application unsuccessful, however your CV will be kept on our database for any other suitable positions.

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Job Features

Job Category308989

Job Reference: AAL0040

Reference No. LEEBLR44

CA Global Headhunters has been retained by the Afreximbank based in Cairo, Egypt to recruit for this position. For more information on the Afreximbank please visit their website  Should you meet the minimum requirements and wish to apply for the position please apply directly to CA Global Headhunters.

Reference Number: LEEBLR44



The role is supposed to help the Bank to achieve its mission of “stimulating  a consistent expansion of and diversification of African trade so as to rapidly increase Africa’s share of global trade, while operating as a first class, profit oriented, socially responsible financial institution and a centre of excellence in African trade matters” by developing opportunities for business development in trade projects and export development finance at the regional level.

  • Implements client coverage for a given portfolio of clients with deliberate cultivation based on proactive individualized plans. These plans would be developed in coordination with the product teams and should be designed to increase client engagement;
  • Implements regional service coverage for provision of an impeccable client service to each client or government organization. This includes timely turn around in terms of responses to client inquiries;
  • Works with other deal team members across the Bank’s products and geographies to ensure timely transaction processing;
  • Generate bankable leads through anticipating customer needs and finding out what information, products or services the customer requires to meet his/her needs, providing clear, accurate and relevant information;
  • Ensuring a strong working knowledge of client portfolios / products with the Bank;
  • Resolving customers’ queries within agreed authority;
  • Producing call reports and file notes after any client meetings, summarising any additional actions required, including follow-up calls and reviewing call reports produced by team members;
  • Sales activity planning, including reviewing existing customer files to identify sales opportunities;
  • Undertaking commercial negotiations;
  • Managing new business pitches;
  • Compliance with legal requirements, industry regulations, organisational policies and professional codes;
  • Assisting in the preparation of annual Regional Strategic and Marketing Plans derived from the Bank’s Strategic Plan for Management’s Approval;
  • Preparing new business Pre-Assessment Memos and Credit Proposals from the region, Product teams and Head Office and making recommendations on the same to the Regional Manager and Director, Client Relations;
  • Where required, representing the Bank in high level meetings, fora and making presentations in conformity with the high standards for which the Bank has become known;
  • Maintaining and improving the Bank’s image across the continent; and
  • Performing any other duties as may be assigned by Senior Management from time to time.


Requirements: Qualification and Skill

  • Bachelor’s degree and post graduate degree in Business Administration, Banking, Finance or other relevant field from a recognized University or a recognized post graduate professional qualification in Banking in lieu of a postgraduate degree;
  • Sound experience of at least 8 years with a leading financial services organisation and familiarity with the major trade finance products to be offered to clients especially syndication, co-financing, club deals, correspondent banking products including letters of credit, factoring, forfaiting, structured trade finance, carbon financing, corporate finance risk participations, project-related financing and considerable knowledge of how these work;
  • Ability to communicate and function in a culturally diverse and change oriented setting with good knowledge of banking practices in Africa;
  • Ability to interact with senior officials of banks, corporates and governments and to represent the Bank in important professional fora where oral presentation of papers will be necessary to high level technical and professional audiences;
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English and Portuguese. Knowledge of the Bank's other working languages is an added advantage (French and Arabic);
  • Demonstrated leadership capabilities, including ability to organize and manage human resources to attain goals.
  • Ability to demonstrate proof of passion and commitment to the socio-economic empowerment of African countries and the ability to support the achievement of Afreximbank’s mandate.
  • Ability to demonstrate prior experience in closing deals/transactions relevant to the Banks’ core mandate of promoting intra and extra African Trade


Contractual information:

  • Permanent.
  • Willing and able to relocate to Cairo.
  • Suitably qualified candidates from all African nationalities are encouraged to apply.


Closing date: 16th February 2022


If you wish to apply for the position, please send your CV to Shearidan Rabsch at

CA Global Finance will respond to short-listed candidates only. If you have not had any response in two weeks, please consider your application unsuccessful however your CV will be kept on our database for any other suitable positions.


Shearidan Rabsch

Managing Consultant

CA Banking, Insurance, Legal & Finance

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Job Features

Job Category308989

Job Reference: LEEBLR44

Reference No. CLBBLR010

Collections Director (Executive Recoveries/ Portfolio Management/ Legal Recoveries) – Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso


Reference Number: CLBBLR010


Job Description:

A well-known international Financial Services holding company is seeking to hire a Collections Director to join the Banking Group in Burkina Faso. The successful individual will be responsible for assisting subsidiaries in the recovery of difficult trade claims in order to limit temporary or final losses, within the framework of the regulations and legislation in force in the countries of establishment.



  • Monitor the quality of the portfolio for each subsidiary.
  • Participate in monthly portfolio monitoring meetings within each subsidiary.
  • Decide at these meetings on the measures to be taken for all accounts receivable without credit movements of more than 60 days or without significant credit movements and accounts with unpaid amounts of more than 30 days.
  • Ensure the application of decided measures.
  • Monitor the progress of mutual recovery procedures.
  • Monitor the progress of legal recovery procedures and the implementation of safeguards.



  • A Bachelor’s Degree, along with a completed relevant Master’s Degree.
  • 12+ years relevant experience.
  • Experience with either a well-established Banking or Financial Services organization.
  • Multi-locational / regional oversight experience across Africa / African markets.
  • Experience in people / team management.
  • Willingness to relocate to Burkina Faso.
  • Fluency in both English and French.


If you wish to apply for the position please send your CV to Clifford Ndlebe at


Please visit for more exciting opportunities.


Clifford Ndlebe

Recruitment Consultant

CA Finance


CA Global will respond to short-listed candidates only. If you have not had any response in two weeks, please consider your application unsuccessful however your CV will be kept on our database for any other suitable positions.





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Job Features

Job Category308989

Job Reference: CLBBLR010

Reference No. CLBBLR011

Human Capital and Administration Director (Policies/ Organizational Design/ Regional/) – Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso


Reference Number: CLBBLR011


Job Description:

A well-known international Financial Services holding company is seeking to hire a Human Capital and Administration Director to join the Banking Group in Burkina Faso. The successful individual will be responsible for implementing the human capital strategy and policy and supervise HR activities within the Group while ensuring compliance with the laws, rules, and procedures in force. Ensure the administrative management of the Holding Company.



  • Implement HR policies and strategies within the Group.
  • Ensure the harmonization and periodic updating of HR practices within the Group.
  • Decline the HR strategy into objectives for the holding company and for each subsidiary.
  • Define, in agreement with the Board of Management and the DG, the Group's human capital social and wage policy.
  • Develop and update the Human Resources policy and procedures (recruitment, evaluation, mobility, etc.) for the Group.
  • Assess training needs, define, and implement a training plan for the Group and subsidiaries.
  • Develop and disseminate the dynamic plan of the staffing needs of the subsidiaries.
  • Supervise the good administrative management of human resources within the various entities of the Group.
  • Develop the framework for drawing up the social report of each entity of the Group, monitor its development and consolidate its results.
  • Ensure the prevention and management of problematic individual and/or collective situations.
  • Ensure and supervise the recruitment activities for the holding company and for the Group's DGs.
  • To be informed of legislative, contractual, and jurisprudential developments in social matters in the various countries of the Group and to ensure that they are properly considered within the entities concerned.
  • Supervise social litigation files in collaboration with the Legal Department.
  • Provide the secretariat of the Human Resources Committee of the holding company.
  • Supervise activities related to internal communication at the level of the holding company.
  • Managing corporate culture, work environment and change.
  • Conduct strategic HR projects in accordance with the recommendations of the Group's General Management.
  • Develop and recommend to the General Management, proposals on issues of remuneration and working conditions.
  • Provide secretarial services to the holding company's HR committees (Appointment, Remuneration)
  • Ensure the administrative management of the Holding by selecting suppliers in the best quality / price ratio.



  • A Bachelor’s Degree, along with a completed relevant Master’s Degree.
  • 12+ years relevant experience.
  • Experience with either a well-established Banking or Financial Services organization.
  • Multi-locational / regional oversight experience across Africa / African markets.
  • Experience in people / team management.
  • Willingness to relocate to Burkina Faso.
  • Fluency in both English and French.


If you wish to apply for the position please send your CV to Clifford Ndlebe at


Please visit for more exciting opportunities.


Clifford Ndlebe

Recruitment Consultant

CA Finance


CA Global will respond to short-listed candidates only. If you have not had any response in two weeks, please consider your application unsuccessful however your CV will be kept on our database for any other suitable positions.




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Job Features

Job Category308980

Job Reference: CLBBLR011

Reference No. CLDBLR09

Reference Number: CLDBLR09


Job Description:

The client is looking for an Expert Credit Analyst to assist in and work on the evaluation of projects and private sector operations in beneficiary countries from Bank assistance



  • Examining opportunities regarding private sector funding in sub- Saharan Africa
  • Credit analysis of operations presented to the Bank for funding.
  • Preparing the financial forms needed in evaluation of operations.
  • Negotiations with applicants regarding funding conditions
  • Preparing evaluation reports and recommendations
  • Working and participating in expanding private sector investments in African countries.
  • Establishing, maintaining, and organizing a data base for the private sector to attract foreign investments such as project fields and investment policies and procedures.
  • Assist in preparing forecasts on signing new contracts and withdrawal forecasts on currently implemented operations.
  • Cooperating and coordinating with other groups to encourage private sector investments in Africa.


Requirements: Qualification and Skill

  • University degree in finance, business administration or banking or the equivalent.
  • At least 5 years’ experience, 2 of them in similar international institutions
  • Proficiency in Arabic and English languages is a must. Knowledge of French language a plus
  • High skills on computer and related programs
  • Good knowledge of organizations, countries, and investment funds
  • Expertise in financial analysis
  • Knowledge of scientific research methods
  • Personal and Behavioral skills
  • Maintaining professional confidentiality and the ability to work and lead in a multicultural climate.
  • High communication and negotiation skills
  • Creativity
  • Ability for coordination, organization and follow up.
  • Working under pressure and flexibility
  • Time management and performance

If you wish to apply for the position, please send your CV to Clifford Ndlebe at


Please visit for more exciting opportunities.


Clifford Ndlebe

Recruitment Consultant



CA Global will respond to short-listed candidates only. If you have not had any response in two weeks, please consider your application unsuccessful however your CV will be kept on our database for any other suitable positions.

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Job Features

Job Category308989

Job Reference: CLDBLR09

Reference No. SRBLRLM001

CA Global Headhunters has been retained by the Afreximbank based in Cairo, Egypt to recruit for this position. For more information on the Afreximbank please visit their website  Should you meet the minimum requirements and wish to apply for the position please apply directly to CA Global Headhunters.

Reference Number: SRBLRLM001

  • Assist in the, review, management and negotiation of private equity investments, venture capital investments, joint ventures, co-investments, private placements, sub-underwritings, pre-IPO investments and similar transactions on behalf of the Fund for Export Development in Africa (FEDA) and its funds.
  • Lead legal due diligence work on prospective portfolio companies (Targets), working collaboratively with, and acting as the point person in dealing with legal advisers and Target’s management on all legal matters.
  • Act as lead transaction counsel on deals, manage transaction review, drafting, negotiation and execution of the full range of deal documentation.
  • Provide legal advice to management and colleagues in all areas of FEDA’s activities and proffering solutions to legal problems, constraints, risks, options, consequences and approaches.
  • Provide advice and support to internal stakeholders to develop, establish and improve internal processes relating to investments.
  • Provide compliance support and advice with respect to information barriers, restricted list reviews, inside information and thresholds.
  • Take initiative to identify and analyze problems, generate alternative solutions and make decisions with little direction/supervision.
  • Manage external deal counsel, in conjunction with the investment team during execution of transactions.
  • Work closely with the financial, tax, human resources, information technology, commercial, technical, environmental, social and governance advisers to assist FEDA with the structuring of transactions by providing legal insights. This includes pre- deal and post deal structuring and restructuring.
  • Representing FEDA internally and externally in negotiation, disputes, consultations and other proceedings that require legal representation.
  • Any other duties as assigned by senior management.

Requirements: Qualification and Skill

  • A degree in Law with excellent academics and a relevant post-graduate (master’s) degree from a recognised University.
  • Qualified in a common law or civil law jurisdiction with not less than 8 years post-qualification experience in a private equity and venture capital practice.
  • The successful candidate will be a motivated commercial lawyer and will have detailed legal knowledge of M&A, JVs, private equity and venture capital investments, preference shares, and corporate finance and be able to translate this knowledge into actionable advice and into the management of effective legal processes.
  • Ability to communicate and function in a culturally diverse and change oriented setting with good knowledge of private equity practices in Africa and internationally.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English. Knowledge of FEDA’s other working languages is an added advantage (French, Arabic and Portuguese).
  • Strong skills in drafting a variety of legal documents and communicating complex issues clearly and concisely.
  • Ability to work in a fast pace environment with quick turnaround expectations.
  • Negotiating skills and capacity to work with other professionals including non-legal professionals to develop innovative solutions.
  • Willingness to assume multiple roles and tasks to meet changing business needs with ability to foresee, troubleshoot and effectively resolve conflicting issues and challenges.
  • Strong leadership, interpersonal, communication and negotiation skills.
  • Willing and able to relocate to Cairo or any other member country of Afreximbank.

Benefits and Contractual information:

  • Permanent.
  • Willing and able to relocate to Cairo, Egypt, or any other member country of Afreximbank.
  • Suitably qualified candidates are encouraged to apply.

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Job Features

Job Category308989

Job Reference: SRBLRLM001

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